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Yosemite Fuels

Sales and marketing subsidiary of Yosemite Clean Energy.

Yosemite Fuels exists to make your zero emission vehicle fleet solutions simple. Yosemite Fuels provides:

  • Low and negative carbon intensity hydrogen fuel


  • Fueling distribution and logistics


  • Turnkey infrastructure solutions for H2 fueling

Carbon Negative


Yosemite Fuels’ mission is to provide low and negative carbon intensity renewable hydrogen directly to end users throughout California. Yosemite Fuels is providing affordable zero-emissions fuel that reduces the risk of wildfire, strengthens forest and water-shed health, and upcycles agricultural waste wood.


Yosemite Fuels sees a California in which low carbon energy is easily accessible to end-users, making a carbon negative economy a reality state-wide, while protecting California’s natural and working lands.

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What Yosemite Fuels does

Yosemite Fuels has developed a turnkey solution that provides renewable hydrogen, transportation modules, storage, dispensers, engineering, operations, and fuel cell electric vehicle (“FCEV”) Trucks & Buses. Heavy-duty vehicles will represent the largest source of renewable hydrogen demand in California accelerated by the IRA Production Tax Credit. Yosemite Fuels can provide a turnkey solution to fuel these vehicles.

Renewable Hydrogen Distribution Process

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Biomass Solution


5008 Highway 140, Suite F,

Mariposa, CA 95338, USA

Yosemite Clean Energy Location

North America

+1 (209) 800-2831

Yosemite Clean Energy Phone


+43 (699) 10000003

Yosemite Clean Energy Phone
Yosemite Clean Energy Email

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